Tobacco advertisement in social media
In China, the state tobacco corporation maintains social media sites for its brands and advertisement.
Read moreChina National Tobacco Corporation (CNTC)is a state owned Chinese company and the biggest cigarette corporation of the world. CNTC has a market share of 44 % and sells about 99 % of its cigarettes in china. Only about 1 % of its products are sold in the international market.
CNTC has great influence on the Chinese tobacco control policy, because its headquarters, its CEO as well as its organisational structure is identical with the structures of the tobacco control authority. Thus, the corporation decides by itself about its regulation by warnings and advertisement rules.
Peking, China
Red Pagoda, BaiSha, Double Happiness
91,4 billion Euro (2011)
13,4 billion Euro (2010)
2,3 trillionen cigarettes (2010)
Ling Chengxing (compensation: not applicable)