Factsheet E-Cigarettes: Supply Chains | Environment | Human Rights
This factsheet shows the supply chains of e-cigarettes and the impact of mining lithium for the production of batteries.
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Donate now and support usThis factsheet shows the supply chains of e-cigarettes and the impact of mining lithium for the production of batteries.
This factsheet shows the supply chains of cigarettes and the impact of growing tobacco on people and the environment.
This factsheet shows the supply chains of heated tobacco products and the impact of mining copper which is used for the batteries.
This factsheet shows the supply chains of water pipes and their accessories, exemplifying the impact of mining bauxite for aluminium production.
Overview of a lawsuit launched by Malawi tobacco farmers against British tobacco companies.
Lawsuits launched by three Brazilian tobacco farmers against tobacco companies.
This factsheet shows which children's rights are violated by smoking and tobacco cultivation.
This brochure offers an overview on how children's rights are violated by tobacco and what can be done to improve the implementation of children's rights.
This factsheet shows which women's rights are violated by smoking and tobacco cultivation.
The brochure provides an overview of how women's rights are violated by tobacco and how their enforcement could be improved in the context of tobacco.
The 2021 Index shows the influence of the tobacco industry on political decision-makers in Germany and provides a case study concerning legislation.
The 2020 index shows how and how much the tobacco industry exerts influence on political decision-makers in Germany.
This analysis discusses how the private sector - and particularly the tobacco industry - is involved in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
This study uses tobacco consumption and tobacco cultivation as an example to show the interlinkages between the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
This SDG-Factsheet shows how tobacco is linked to poverty and hunger.
This factsheet shows how tobacco control and Development Goal 17 fit together.
This factsheet shows the impact of tobacco growing and smoking on education.
This factsheet shows the health risks for workers inherent in secondhand smoke at workplaces and in working conditions in tobacco growing.
This factsheet shows how tobacco growing, cigarette manufacturing and cigarette butts are polluting water, waterbodies and oceans.
This factsheet shows how tobacco growing, cigarette manufacturing and cigarette butts are affecting forests worldwide.
This article shows how tobacco cultivation contaminates Matamuhuri river and its river banks.
This article shows how tobacco cultivation drives deforestation in the miombo woodlands in Tanzania.
This card shows: tobacco cultivation jeopardizes food security.
Case study on legumes and sunflower as alternative to tobacco in Malawi
Case study on kenaf cultivation as alternative to tobacco in Malaysia
Case study on herbs as alternative to tobacco in Germany
There are alternative livelihoods to tobacco. We present examples from Brazil, Kenya, and Bangladesh.
Only 3 copies left! DVD containing 4 documentaries on tobacco growing in Tanzania, Malawi and Brazil + some German language background information on trade, working conditions and environment.
The factsheet shows which children's rights are violated by the marketing for tobacco and nicotine products.
This factsheet offers an overview on health and environmental risks of disposable e-cigarettes. Using selected examples we show how these products are marketed by influencers on social media. The factsheet is targeted to youth. [German only] Author: Mehmet Sefa Dal Editor: Unfairtobacco Published: February 2024
Crafting model including introduction for teachers, instructions for crafting and templates for the model.
The simulation game Tobacco in Bralavia [German] recreates the situation in a tobacco growing country. It includes role descriptions, event cards, additional information materials, and game instructions. It can be played in the classroom or online.
Interactive education set about tobacco cultivation in the Global South Contents: 1 card game, 1 board game, 1 DVD with documentaries and 1 booklet Suitable for students in secoundary school, adolescents and adults. (all contents are German)
The manual for the exhibition Big Tobacco contains questionnaires for different grades to be used for lessons on the exhibition.
The brochure provides an insight into the tobacco supply chain with reference to the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act.
This study shows tobacco industry strategies, namely advertising campaigns, legal actionsand threads, and political interference. [German only]
This German study analyses the impact of tobacco use and tobacco cultivation on the Global South.
This study describes how tobacco cultivation, cigarette manufacturing and cigarette butts harm the environment.
Case study [8German] on organic farming as an alternative to tobacco in Brazil
This study describes the conditions, under which tobacco is grown in Africa. Examples from Zimbabwe, Malawi and Kenya show poverty, child and forced labour, but also alternative livelihoods to tobacco.
This study offers an overview on tobacco cultivation in Latin American countries as well as details on cigar manufacturing.
This study offers an overview of the tobacco industry in Asia and shows the different features and receptions of tobacco in Asian countries.
This brochure provides a general overview of tobacco production in countries of the South.
Sticker Child Labour
Sticker Exploitation
Sticker Deforestation