SDG-Factsheet Tobacco | Poverty | Hunger
This SDG-Factsheet shows how tobacco is linked to poverty and hunger.
The 52-pages study Tobacco: Antisocial, Unfair, Harmful to the Environment deals with the interrelations of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To illustrate these the authors analyse the production and consumption chain of tobacco products from seedbed to cigarette butts, and show the different actors from tobacco farmer to smoker.
In six chapters, the authors explain to what extent tobacco hinders, impedes and even counters sustainable development.
At the same time, this study offers practical approaches to action and expresses demands towards the actors of the post-2015 debates.
Authors: Sonja von Eichborn, Marie-Luise Abshagen
Editors:, German NGO Forum on Environment and Development, Bread for the World-Protestant Development Service
Published: July 2015
„In essence, tobacco is an antisocial crop“ African Centre for Biodiversity 2014