This 48-pages study provides an insight into existing initiatives and approaches around the world. Three invited authors from Brazil, Kenya and Bangladesh present their respective projects for diversification in tobacco growing areas. In Brazil, the government runs a programme in tobacco growing areas. In Kenya, a university facilitates research together with farmer cooperatives. And in Bangladesh, a grassroots organisation supports farmers in returning to food crops. The editors subsequently discuss issues involved in the process of shifting out of tobacco cultivation, before concluding with a few recommendations for the future development of alternative livelihoods to tobacco.

Authors: Adriana Gregolin, Jacob K. Kibwage, Farida Akther; Sonja von Eichborn, Laure Norger
Editors: Sonja von Eichborn, Laure Norger; Unfairtobacco, FDCL-Verlag
Published: Mai 2012

"It is a quest for good and happy life, here and now." Nayakrishi Andolon, Bangladesch
Study Alternative Livelihoods to Tobacco © alternatives study cover by Unfairtobacco / CC BY-NC 4.0
