Cassava as staple food
The Brazilian non-governmental organisation CIDADES SEM FOME (CITIES WIHTOUT HUNGER) supports smallholder farms in Agudo to transition from tobacco to organic farming.
Read moreThe brochure “Children’s Rights and Tobacco Control: The Right to a Tobacco-free World” has 36 pages and offers an overview of the following topics: links between children’s rights, sustainable development and tobacco control; medical impact of smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke on children; social inequalities; tobacco advertisement by influencers in social media; rights of children to be protected from exposure to second-hand smoke at home; child labour in tobacco growing. The last chapter offers detailed recommendations for political decision makers. Children have their say on the centre page of the brochure. They talk about their work on tobacco fields and demand that the sale of tobacco should be banned.
Authors: Sonja von Eichborn, Ute Mons, Katrin Schaller, Martin Mlinari?, Monique Muggli, Caroline Renzulli, Karoline Walter, Ugur Esen Wortmann, Anne Jacob, Maren Leifker
Editor: Unfairtobacco
Supporting Organisations: Action on Smoking and Health (ASH USA), Ärztlicher Arbeitskreis Rauchen und Gesundheit (ÄARG), Campaign for Tobacco-free Kids, Deutsche Allianz Nichtübertragbare Krankheiten (DANK), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pneumologie (DGP), German Center for Addiction Issues (DHS), Deutsche Krebshilfe, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Fachstelle für Suchtprävention Berlin, Frauen Aktiv Contra Tabak (FACT), Health Care Plus, Institute for Therapy and Health Research (IFT-Nord), Karuna pr|events, Kindernothilfe, Rauchfrei Plus – Gesundheitseinrichtungen für Beratung und Tabakentwöhnung, Smoke Free Partnership, terre des hommes Deutschland, Vivantes Klinikum Neukölln, VIVID – Institue for the Prevention of Addiction, Austria
Published: January 2020
„If I were a decision-maker, I would have taken the tobacco, crushed it, put it in a bin and never taken it out again." Girl from Germany, 5th grade, in a school workshop
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