Since 2008, the International Red Cross turns donations from the tobacco industry down in order to live up to its principle to protect live and health.[1] In contrast, the US-American branch still takes donations from cigarette companies. In 2014, the American Red Cross received 100,000 US Dollar from the foundation of Camel manufacturer Reynolds American.[2] The Altria Group, parent of Philip Morris USA, supported its disaster management programme with more than 10 million US Dollar.[3] Philip Morris International also donated money, for example 100,000 US Dollar to tackle the impact of the hurrican Sandy in 2012 which took the lives of 157 US citizens.[4] Compared to 400,000 deaths attributed to tobacco in the USA every year. But not only the American Red Cross takes money from tobacco industry, but also the Red Cross branches in Germany, Russia, Serbia, Switzerland, and Viet Nam.
Further information:
American Red Cross pressured to rid itself of tobacco money (2015)
American Red Cross: tobacco funding risks global brand (2015)