The brochure “Unfair supply chains. Focus on the tobacco industry” refers to the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) describing its regulations in the introduction and providing an overview of the tobacco supply chain. This includes the raw materials for cigarette production, players in the tobacco industry in Germany, the risks at the beginning of the tobacco supply chain and how the companies that are subject to the LkSG deal with them.
Two chapters describe how tobacco farmers in Brazil and Malawi are currently fighting back against the violation of their rights: they have initiated legal proceedings against tobacco companies and demand compensation.
Finally, the opportunities arising from the German Supply Chain Act are examined, also in view of the European legislation.
Authors: Sonja von Eichborn, Viola Dannenmaier, Raquel Torres Gurgel, Donald Makoka.
Editor: Unfairtobacco
Published: Dezember 2024