Target group women
In South Korea, tobacco companies were targeting women with slim cigarettes after the opening of the market in the late 1980ies.
Read moreThe brochure “Women’s Rights and Tobacco Control: The Right to a Tobacco-Free World” provides an overview of the links between sustainable development, women’s rights and tobacco control. In five chapters, the authors examine several aspects in detail: Health impact of smoking and secondhand smoke on women and girls; Effects of social inequality on tobacco use; Marketing of tobacco and nicotine products through influencers in social media; Working conditions and exploitation of women in tobacco cultivation in Bangladesh as well as in Zambia.The final chapter provides recommendations for governments on how to improve tobacco control and thus contribute to the enforcement of women’s rights and the achievement of SDGs. Women have their say on the centre page of the brochure, giving space to the voices of women in Germany, Bangladesh and Zambia.
Authors: Sonja von Eichborn, Katrin Schaller, Sabina Ulbricht, Caroline Renzulli, Mary Clare Rosemeyer, Debra Rosen, Mark Hurley, Farida Akhter, Brenda Chitindi, Viola Dannenmeier
Editor: Unfairtobacco
Supporting organisations: Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), Ärztlicher Arbeitskreis Rauchen und Gesundheit (ÄARG), Deutsche Allianz Nichtübertragbare Krankheiten (DANK), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pneumologie und Beatmungsmedizin (DGP), German Center for Addiction (DHS), Deutsche Krebshilfe, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention (ENSP), Fachstelle für Suchtprävention Berlin gGmbH, Women Against Tobacco (FACT), Friedensband, Health Care Plus, Institute for Therapy and Health Research (IFT-Nord), Nationales Netzwerk Frauen und Gesundheit, Netzwerk Frauen/Mädchen und Gesundheit Niedersachsen, Netzwerk Frauengesundheit Berlin, Nichtraucherschutzverband Deutschland, Rauchfrei Plus – Gesundheitseinrichtungen für Beratung und Tabakentwöhnung, Smokefree Partnership (SFP), Tobacco-Free Association Zambia (TOFAZA), UBINIG, Vivantes Netzwerk für Gesundheit, VIVID – Institute for the Prevention of Addiction, Austria
Published: March 2022
„I am 18 years old, I am pregnant for 4 months. I understand that in pregancy I must not work with tobacco. […] When I go to see the doctor, he also suggests not to work with tobacco leaves. Yet I have to work, because it is a family occupation." Pregnant tobacco farmer in Bangladesh
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