Students call on UN Committee: No Tobacco Anymore!
Students from Berlin submit their report to the UN Committee oin the Rights of the Child and show how and where children's rights are infringed by tobacco.
Read moreUpdate 12.03.2021 – Success!
The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has included our concerns into their List of Issues to the German government. The list was published yesterday. Regarding tobacco use in Germany, the Committee asks the government:
„Please describe the measures taken or envisaged to address the disproportionate prevalence of drug, alcohol and tobacco abuse among socioeconomically disadvantaged children.“
Regarding due diligence of (tobacco) companies for the violation of children’s rights in their supply chains, the Committee asks the government:
„Please describe the measures taken to: (a) Strengthen the regulatory framework for businesses to ensure that their activities, including their global supply chains, do not have adverse impacts on children’s rights; (b) Revise the law on sanctions for companies under the Coalition Agreement; (c) Monitor the implementation by businesses of the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights.“
Additionally, the Committee also calls on the federal government to provide statistical data offering insights into children’s rights violations by companies.
Last week we participated in the digital hearing by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child on the situation of children‘s rights in Germany. International experts asked civil society representatives about how children‘s rights are implemented in Germany. It was a very intensive two-hour conversation.
Together with 17 organizations, we submitted a written statement to the Committee on this occasion. These are our central demands to the federal government to better protect and enforce children’s rights:
The loopholes in the tobacco advertising ban must be closed.
Tobacco taxes must be raised on a regular basis.
The government must develop a comprehensive strategy to implement the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco.
The government must adopt an effective due diligence law for companies in Germany.
In a few weeks, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child will address its questions to the German government. We are curious to see what the experts will ask.
"It's incredible how many questions can be asked and answered in such a short time." Sonja von Eichborn